b'2352 23532352.Glass stein, .5L, blown, hand-painted heavy enam-el, flowers, pewter lid, mint. 2353.Twoglasssteins,.5L,blown,clear,transparent enamel, Munich Child, pewter lid, mint; with, .5L, moldblown,enameleddecoration:Andenkenan2354.Glass window, 9.3" d., leaded panels, hand-painted, Mnchen, pewter lid, a few tiny flakes on decora- Verband Stadt. Schiess Ver. Schaffhausen Wander-tion. becherschiessen 1932, some cracks, intact.2355.Twoglasssteins,.5L,blown,clear, faceted, figural parian inlaid lid, mint; with,.3L,moldblown,clear,figural parian inlaid lid, mint. 2356.Two glass steins, .5L, blown, clear, cut, figural parian inlaid lid, mint; with, .5L, blown,clear,faceted,figuralparian inlaid lid, mint.235523562357.Window insert, 24.0" x 23.5", plastic panel, hand- 2358.Window insert, 29.4" x 23.5", plastic panel, hand-painted scene, from the restaurant, Hans\' Bavarianpainted scene, from the restaurant, Hans\' Bavarian Lodge,Wheeling,IL,c.1970,LobsterverygoodLodge, Wheeling, IL, c.1970, Bock, very good con-condition. dition.'