b'3190 3191 3192 3193 3194319531963197 31983199 3200 3201 3202 32033197.Glass stein, .4L, blown, faceted, porcelain inlaid lid: 4F, 1900 - 1910, small flakes on base. 3198.Glassstein,.5L,blown,faceted,studentsociety, GrneCouleurJena,porcelaininlaidlid: Freundschaft, Liebe, Freude, small flakes on base. 3199.Glassstein,.5L,blown,clear,faceted,porcelain inlaid lid, Muschkater Quartett Lehe Silvester 1911, owner I.D. on base, chips along top of rim & base. 3200.Glass stein, .4L, blown, porcelain inlaid lid: stu-dent society, S.P.R. sei\'s Panier! 1900, mint. 3201.Glass stein, .5L, blown, cut, handpainted porcelain inlaid lid: baby Jesus with cross, excellent quality, very good pewter strap repair, otherwise mint. 3202.Glassstein,.5L,moldblown,clear,porcelain inlaid lid: Fnf Mark 1874, mint. 3203.Glass stein, .5L, blown, cranberry inside & outside over clear, cut, porcelain inlaid lid: woman & sol-dier, mint.3204.Glasspitcher,15.2"ht.,blown,amber,green prunts & rigaree, with two beakers, 5.0" ht., a few small flakes. 3204'