b"5143 5144 5145 5146 514751485149 5150 5151 5152 5153 51545143.Characterstein,.5L,porcelain,byE.Bohne&5154.Characterstein,.5L,porcelain,TyroleanMan, Shne, Sulky Driver, glass eyes are scratched, oth- porcelain inlaid lid, lithophane, good repair of han-erwise mint.dle break and hairline. 5144.Character stein, .5L, porcelain, marked E. Bohne5155.Character stein, .5L, pottery, marked Gerz, 1303, & Shne, Orangutan, mint.Soldier, excellent repair of chips on lid. 5145.Characterstein,.3L,porcelain,byE.Bohne&5156.Character stein, .5L, pottery, marked M. & W. Gr., Shne, Sea Captain, excellent pewter repair, other- Owl, excellent repair of small pewter tear, other-wise mint.wise mint. 5146.Characterstein,.5L,porcelain,byE.Bohne&5157.Characterstein,.5L,pottery,marked1000,by Shne, Devil, mint.Reinhold Hanke, Cat, mint. 5147.Character stein, .5L, porcelain, Soldier, a little red5158.Characterstein,.5L,pottery,majolicaglaze, color wear, otherwise mint.unmarked, Knight, mint. 5148.Characterstein,.5L,porcelain,unmarked,Fra- 5159.Character stein, .5L, pottery, unmarked, majolica ternityStudent,Hofbruhauslithophane,inlaidglaze, Knight, mint. lid, faint hairline on side, wear.5160.Character stein, .5L, pottery, marked 622, Funnel 5149.Characterstein,.5L,porcelain,byE.Bohne&Man, inlaid lid, mint. Shne, Bug Eyed Man, factory glaze peppering on5161.Characterstein,.5L,porcelain,ArtilleryShell, body, mint.flake on bottom of handle, excellent pewter strap 5150.Characterstein,.5L,porcelain,markedMuster- repair. schutz, by Schierholz, Smiling Woman, excellent5162.Character stein, .5L, pottery, marked R. Merkel-repair of chip on side of lid, body mint.bach, 685, Women, mint. 5151.Characterstein,.5L,porcelain,markedMuster- 5163.Character stein, .5L, stoneware, marked 805, by schutz, by Schierholz, Old Man, hairline on rear ofMarzi & Remy, Student, blue & purple saltglazes, lid, owner I.D. on hinge.mint. 5152.Characterstein,.5L,porcelain,marked5164.Characterstein,.5L,stoneware,marked223, Musterschutz, by Schierholz, Potato Head, 2'' hair- probably made by Hauber & Reuther, Knight, pur-line on side.ple saltglaze, excellent repair of chip on lid. 5153.Characterstein,.5L,porcelain,markedMuster- 5165.Characterstein,.5L,pottery,marked1447, schutz, by Schierholz, Clown, good repairs of chipElephant, by Reinhold Hanke, small factory firing & hairline on lid & small chip in rear.line on lid, mint."