b'3145314631473141.Eight coins & medal, 1 centavo, Filipinas 1944;3144.Fifteenpins&medals,1.5x2.0,mostare $1.00,Canada,1988;500Lira,Italy1961;500enameled,ImperialandWWI,includes14th Lira, Italy 1965; 2 cent, U.S.A. 1864; 1 cent, U.S.A.Artillery, 7th Ulan, 28th Inft., Jger Regt., S.M.V.B., 1857,FlyingEagle;1cent,U.S.A.1858,Flying29thK.U.K.,179thInft.,Meisterschaftv. Eagle; A Memorial of the Washington Cabinet, MayOesterreich1931,DemWitwenu.Waisenvon 1859, good condition, but all show signs of wear,Ober-Oesterreich 1915, good condition, some have they have not been graded.moderate wear. 3142.Eight German coins, 10000 Mark, 1923, Notgeld;3145.Trumpet, 10.0", Knigl. Bayerische Poststallhalt-Drei Mark, 1912, silver; 5 Mark, 1935, silver; 1/2erei 1856, with cords, good condition. mark, 1907, silver; three coins, 2 Marks, 1939, sil- 3146.German military trumpet, embossed eagle, some ver;1/2Heller,DeutschesOstafrika,1904,gooddents. condition, but all show signs of wear, they have not3147.German helmet, 11.2" ht., Jger zu Pferde, miss-been graded.ing part of strap, liner in very worn condition, two 3143.Nineteen pins, .5 d. to 1.5 d., most are enameled,dents in rear.German,AustrianandAmericansouvenirpins, most are late 1900s, good condition.31483148.Seven assorted military items, includes 6.3" artillery shell, brass & iron 1914/Iron Cross; Iron Cross 1916; metal ashtray National Denkmal, Kaiser Wilhelm I; relief metal plaque Wilhelm II; iron eagle; iron plaque Inft. Regt. Wien Nr. 24 1914 1917, good used condition.'