b'146214631464 1465146614671459.Pottery stein, 4.0L, 15.6" ht., relief, by Diesinger,1464.Pottery stein, 2.0L, 14.9" ht., threading, by Die-#500, pewter lid, chip on beak on handle.singer, #1497, pewter lid, very good condition. 1460.Pottery stein, 2.5L, 16.0" ht., relief, by Diesinger,1465.Pottery stein, 1.5L, 14.7" ht., relief, by Diesinger, #814, pewter lid, face flakes on gnome.#810, pewter lid, handle flake, otherwise very good 1461.Pottery stein, 1.5L, 15.4" ht., relief, by Diesinger,condition. #87, pewter lid, very good condition.1466.Pottery stein, 1.5L, 14.2" ht., relief, by Diesinger, 1462.Pottery stein, 1.5L, 14.4" ht., relief, marked Girm- pewterlid,pewterfinialdented,otherwisevery scheid, #1031, pewter lid, very good condition.good condition. 1463.Pottery stein, 2.0L, 13.4" ht., threading, by Die- 1467.Pottery stein, 2.0L, 14.7" ht., relief & threading, singer, inlaid lid, very good condition.byDiesinger,pewterlid,faint2"spiderhairline under base, otherwise very good condition. 1468.Two Diesinger steins, pottery, 1.5L,11.8"ht.,relief,#6, pewterlidisdented&has tear;with,1.5L,11.8"ht., relief,#509,pewterlid, pewter tear, bodies very good condition.1469.Two Diesinger steins, pottery, 1.0L,12.9"ht.,relief,#564, pewter lid; with, 1.0L, relief, #610,pewterlid,bothvery good condition.14681469BID LIVE, IN REAL TIME, ON OUR WEBSITEWE DO NOT HAVE AN EXTRA 5% FEE TO BID ON OUR WEBSITE!'