b'36003601 360236033600.TwoDiesingersteins,pottery,.5L,relief,#2, pewter lid, small glaze flaw on top rim; with, .5L, relief, #532, pewter lid, very good condition. 3601.Two Diesinger steins, pottery, .5L, relief, #761, pewterlid,veryslightpewtertear;with,.5L, relief, #808 pewter lid, slight pewter tear sealed with glue, both bodies good condition.3602.Two Diesinger steins, pottery, .5L, relief, #648, pewter lid, some color wear to base; with, .5L, relief, #860, pewter lid, pewter tear & lid pushed down a little, body good condition. 3603.Two Diesinger steins, pottery, .5L, threading, #5, inlaid lid, good condition; with, 1.0L, threading, #1097, dog below ship in upper window, pewter lid has a very good tear repaired, body good con- 36043605 dition.3606 360736083609 3610'