b'3190 3191319231933188.Glass stein, 1.0L, blown, clear, mid. 1800s, hand- 3192.Glassstein,.5L,blown,wheel-engraved,late painted, pewter lid, lid dated 1846, very good con- 1700s, St. Michel, pewter lid & footring, flake on dition.handle, otherwise mint. 3189.Glass stein, 1.0L, blown, clear, mid. 1800s, hand- 3193.Glass stein, 1.0L, 7.5" ht, 4.5" d., blown, c.1850, cut, painted, pewter lid and base ring, lid dated 1835,hearts on body, fan pattern on underside, very thick & very good condition.heavy glass, silver-plated lid with rotating cats tail to 3190.Glass stein, 1.0L, blown, clear, early 1800s, wheel- keep count of beer, small scratch on top rim.engraved stag, pewter lid & base ring, good condi- 3194.Glassstein,.75L,11.3"ht.,blown,mid1800s, tion.amberonclearoverlay,wheel-engraved,two 3191.Glassstein,.7L,blown,clear,c.1790,wheeldogs, clear glass inlaid lid, excellent pewter strap engraved, pewter lid & base ring, mint.repair, line on bottom of handle. 3195.Glass stein, .5L, 9.3" ht., blown, mid 1800s, blue on clear overlay, wheel-engraved, stag & doe, clear glass inlaid lid, excellent pewter strap repair, glass mint. 3196.Glass window, 7.5" d., blown, hand-painted, panels with soldered metalwork, made in Basel Switzer-land 1985, Schtzenklub Dornach 1889, Feldschtz-3194 3195 enverein Basel 1868, mint.'