b'34563457 3458345934603461 346234633463.Three Anheuser Busch pocket knives, sizes 2.3" to 3.3", all vintage,3464one missing stanhope, all in good condition. 3464.Two Anheuser Busch pocket knives, sizes 2.4" to 3.3", one vintage, one new, stanhope Adolphus Busch, also original box, leather sheath stitching is loose, all in good condition.3466.TwoAnheuserBuschpocketknives,10"displaycase, 3465.ThreeAnheuserBuschmatchsafes,Hensley & Co. Wholesale Sales Buck Knife, signed on reverse; sizes 1.5" x 2.7", two engraved, one relief,with, 8.9", Adolphus Busch Buck Knife, Collector Ed., serial marked sterling, good used condition. number 0-00-000-0000, both in excellent condition.'